Alongside Jesus, a Lent Retreat

This Holy Week we invite you to travel with us in our online Lent Retreat 2 : Alongside Jesus. For this retreat we have developed a collection of resources that you can use whenever you like in your own time between Palm Sunday and Holy Saturday. Our hope is that they will help us to re-engage and rediscover the story of the Cross — the beautiful, tragic, majestic moment when Jesus demonstrated his fathomless love for us.
Through the material you will have an opportunity to share a meal with Jesus, enter the story of the passion through a series of immersive podcasts and then take part in a guided meditation based around Jesus’s washing of the disciples’ feet.
Is there a particular special meal you would love to share with Jesus? Something that’s significant to you. Building on the Tents of Meeting we built at our first Lent Retreat, we are going to take some time to use food to thoughtfully prepare for a time of contemplative prayer.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work for Pontius Pilate or to be a solider on the hillside at Golgotha? Or perhaps, to be a spectator in the crowd as Jesus walked to the cross? Or a mourner as his body was taken for burial? The church has a rich tradition of finding immersive ways of retelling the story — from the gutsy street theatre of Mystery Plays to the ornate sequences of paintings called ‘Stations of the Cross’ — and so we have used podcasting to go on a deep dive into the story of the passion — inviting you to put yourself in the story and then reflect upon it after with the risen Jesus who walks alongside us today.
And then we conclude by resting our feet in multi-sensory, interactive meditation that invites us to be with Jesus, our saviour and friend.
And through the long night of Holy Saturday we will anticipate the awakening of Easter and the next chapter of the beautiful story of Jesus and humanity, which is still unfolding to this day…
You can find all the material for this reatreat in the resources area of our site:
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