Saturday 27 July 
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The Greatest Thing - Book Club

Join Albert Bogle for a one off event concluding our theme 'The Greatest Thing'. We will be reading and discussing the book by Henry Drumond that inspired the theme 'The Greatest Thing in The World'. 

'What is the use of having faith? It is to connect the soul with God. And what is the object of connecting man with God? That he may become like God. But God is Love. Hence Faith, the means, is in order to Love, the end. Love, therefore, obviously is greater than faith. "If I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing."' Henry Drumond

The Greatest Thing - Book Club  

Tales from the Library

Join us for Tales From The Library: A Sanctuary First Book Club. Every Thursday at 3PM we will explore a new book and tale from various different writers. Read the book in advance or listen to our available audio recordings of the stories and then join us for a chat about the story and its deeper themes and meanings. Books recordings will be made available a few days before the event starts.

Tales From The Library - The Company of Wolves   Tales From The Library - The Other Foot   Tales From The Library - Little Red Riding Hood   Tales From The Library - The Displaced Person   Tales From The Library - A Temple of the Holy Ghost  

You must be logged in to sign up:


Writers Room Book Club

This Month on Sanctuary First we will be releasing a series of short stories ‘Stories of the Unexpected’ which will revolve around our December theme ‘The Unexpected Visitor’. Three writers and members of the Sanctuary First community have each contributed a short story that they have written around the months theme, these will be released each Sunday over the next three weeks in podcast and blog form, each story will be followed with its own ‘Writers Room Book Club’ on the following Saturday where we will meet to talk about the story.

Working with the Grain   Upon a Midnight Clear   Anna the Prophetess  

Exploring C.S Lewis

NEW Book Club - Thursday at 8PM

Sign up will open on Thursday the 24th of October

Exploring C.s Lewis is a new Book Club from Sanctuary First. Every week on Thursday at 8PM Sandy Smith will lead an online book club focusing on the works of C.S Lewis. The first of C.S Lewis’s books covered in this Club will be ‘Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life’. This first run of the Club will start on the 1st of October and finish on the 31st of October, which the chapters divided evenly between the five weeks.

This book club is offered primarily to all those who have perhaps not read anything of Lewis or very little and will serve as an introduction into the man himself, who he was, what he stood for and what he believed in. That said, if you have read or re-read some titles many times you will still be welcome to take the journey but be aware, you might be travelling with beginners.


If you love books, are looking to be part of a new book club and are willing and keen to meeting and chat with new people, then come along and join us on Thursday at 8PM for ‘Exploring C.S Lewis!

Exploring C.S Lewis  

Signups for this series has closed.