Saturday 27 July 
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Wild Jesus - Connect Groups

Week One


Wild Jesus!


Wild Jesus! Beyond expectations, outside limits, without constraints! We begin our theme talking to Jesus as we relive the wonder of resurrection — our uncontainable, unlimited saviour’s return. What are our questions for Jesus about this wild story? And how can this wildness of the resurrection — of a love so wild even the tomb couldn’t hold it — inspire us to live today?

Seeds to sow: How can we be part of new life and re-wilding this week?

Read Luke 24: 1-12

Wild Jesus, Uncontainable!

The disciples dismissed the tale as wild gossip. But this wild gossip was true!

What questions do you have for Jesus about this moment?

Read John 20: 18-23 

Wild Jesus, Unlimited! 

Locked doors, and nerves rattling with fear, are not able to hold Jesus back.

What situations this week could we invite Jesus and his words of peace into?

Read Matthew 8: 18-22

Wild Messiah

What does it mean to us that we have such a wild messiah? One who back then couldn’t be contained by a building, and who still can’t be constrained by walls or a roof today!

Jesus, we want to know what your wild life means for ours!

How wild is our faith?


