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The Awakening - Connect Groups

The following discussion questions are designed to accompany and adapt the monthly theme material (see The Awakening, Resource Pack PDF) for small group work. They are divided into 4 parts to correspond with the 4 weeks of the Daily Worship theme. These questions are just a guideline and there is no need to go through all the given questions in a single session, or in the following sequence. Feel free to pick and choose, or adapt to what interests your group.

During the month of April we invite you to join us as part of your connect groups in reflection on our new theme ‘The Awakening’. There are periods in the history of humanity when those living through times of great transition feel something has happened to change the whole destiny of the world. The physical and spiritual and psychological effect of the resurrection had such an effect. It was said of the first Christians that they turned the known world upside down with their convincing beliefs that God had come into the world in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. They claimed it was an awakening of the human spirit to a new world order.

A realisation that the time for dreaming has past and we are longing for a visitation of the Almighty. One that will heal our broken world. A visitation based not on privilege or power or historical advantage but based on the deep knowledge that God is longing to reconcile his creation to himself and to each other. Our key text for the month is found in Revelation 3:2 where the Risen Christ speaks to the Church at Sardis saying “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God.”

Download the Discussion Questions PDF

• In week one we remind ourselves that the resurrection of Jesus is the beginning of God’s new project to renew all of his creation.

• In week two we think of the unity that is created within Community out of Communion.

• In week three we look at the spiritual power that is available to the community of God’s people through the Holy Spirit.

• In week four we focus on our core calling as God’s people to be followers of Jesus.

Find out more on this month's theme: The Awakening

What are Connect Groups? 

‘Connect Groups’ is the name we give to small informal gatherings who decide to meet together to explore the Bible alongside our monthly themes. These groups are independent and folk can simply set up their own Connect Group themselves, meeting together with friends and family on their own basis. In this time of Lockdowns when people can’t get together physically this material can still be used to meet together online.

Each month we produce a range of questions to adapt our themes for group discussion. The material is offered as a starting point and there is no need to go through all the questions.You can pick and choose, tailoring it to suit the needs and interests of your group. Each ‘Part’ could form the basis of a weekly roughly 90 minute meeting but you could break it up differently. Let us know if you would like to find out more about Connect Groups and different ways of linking into the Sanctuary First community.

We all come to the Bible with our own questions, insights and barriers. The guiding principle we have in writing these is to ask questions we don’t already know the answer to! Our hope is to facilitate open-ended discussions. Often the most valuable parts of group chats are the bits that go off on bizarre tangents. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Jesus knows a thing or two about bizarre tangents…

Need some advice on starting your own Connect Group? Get in touch.