
Communicate! - Week One

Albert Bogle January 05, 2023 0 0

Week One

Albert Bogle and James Cathcart give us an overview of this weeks connect groups material as we continue our new theme for the month of January on Sanctuary First: Communicate

One of the most obvious ways we communicate with God and with one another is through reading and writing. We read ancient texts and write songs and prayers and sermons in response. We read poetry, we journal, we look up commentaries, we write letters, send messages.

The written word is an uncanny thing. It’s a way of outsourcing memory, ideas and emotion, holding on to truths and preserving a legacy. It is a workshop for language where we can craft new ideas and express complex concepts. It’s also a way of remembering to get milk. And to tell someone you love them. Our lives are full of writing, and as we read and write we do so alongside the one who read to the stars and wrote the fabric of reality into being.

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