
Blind Bartimaeus Podcast - Bible Stories

Linda Pollock October 26, 2021 0 0

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​Linda Pollock reads to us a creative telling of the story of Blind Bartimaeus from the Bible, with music by Allan Hewitt. This Podcast is part of our collection of Bible Stories.

What does this story mean for us? Jesus names faith as what impels Bartimaeus. The rest of the story shows us what that faith is. Bartimaeus’s faith is not about reciting the correct confession or subscribing to certain dogmas. It is his unrelenting conviction that Jesus can and will rescue him from his need. This story invites us to consider how faith is manifested, nurtured, and stunted within communities.

“Don’t be afraid! Come on! He is calling for you”

View Bible Text: Blind Bartimaeus - Mark 10:46-52

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