Daily Worship


Rhona Cathcart August 16, 2022 0 1
Image credit: Unsplash
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Psalm 103: 10 (NRSVA)

10 He does not deal with us according to our sins,
    nor repay us according to our iniquities.

One of my favourite outdoor pastimes is sitting on a rock looking out at the sea, or another large body of water. I don’t know if it is my mother’s Islay heritage coming through, or my own childhood alongside the Canadian Great Lakes, but there is something about the stability, solidity and stillness of my seated position contrasted with the ever moving and changing water that both soothes and invigorates me.

Among other things, it reminds me to never take the power and beauty of this world for granted, and to be thankful that I have a place within it.



How curious it is that we see ourselves and our lives as fixed, permanent, entitled

When in reality, it is all a strange and wondrous gift.

We have done nothing to deserve the gift of life, nothing to earn our place within your ever moving and evolving creation.

Yet here we sit, aware — as no other creature is aware — that it is a privilege to be here.

Help us to give back to you, the gift of our thankfulness.

Help us to express this thankfulness through the way we respond to the world and its inhabitants.

Restore us, invigorate us, cast waves of unearned mercy over us

In Jesus’ name
