On the move

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James 1: 27 (NRSVA)
27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
A recent Life and Work article drew my attention to the idea of ‘Sweaty Church’. It’s a concept which originated in York and works on the principle of circuit training, where small groups move around different exercise stations. The stations are linked with Bible stories — like David and Goliath, for example — integrating conversations about preparation, training and discipleship into the fun. The whole thing is high energy and competitive and sounds a far cry from conventional Sunday school.
Looking out for, and after the children in our communities, especially the most vulnerable, is increasingly requiring us as Christians to think outside the box. I know a number of Christians, some of whom are sports chaplains and others who are coaches or athletes, who have found meaningful ways of connecting both children and adults to faith through shared participation in sport. This isn’t new. Many of our Premier League football teams had overtly Christian roots in clubs created by churches for young people in their area.
I’m not overly sporty myself, but I can get as excited as anyone to see Eilish McColgan cross the finishing line. No one gets there on their own, and I am thankful for those with the energy and enthusiasm to lead and guide our young people this way, especially those who do so with the love and care of Christ in their hearts.
Active God
You created a world full of things to reach, to climb over, to run towards (and away from!)
Thank you for young and growing bodies and for those who lead them and train them.
Thank you for those for whom faith and activity go hand in hand.
Keep us running and praising; leaping and loving;
diving deep into your care and compassion
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