Saturday 27 July 
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Unpacking Boxes - Connect Groups

Week Four


Part 4: Folding boxes


Conversation Starter

Do words and phrases like ‘flatpack’ or ‘self-assembly’ fill you with excitement or dread? More generally do you enjoy DIY and making things?

Read Isaiah 62: 1-5

From out of the deserted and the desolate God can origami a beautiful crown; the people of God refolded into something new and glorious.

The wonderful thing about origami is that you can make incredible, beautiful shapes without making any cuts to tears.

How might our God of transformation be folding, pleating, creasing and working in your life?

Read 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11

Here’s an idea, do you think God sometimes gives us ‘flatpack gifts’ that require self assembly? And do you think sometimes there are parts intentionally missing... so that we have to find the corresponding parts in gifts given to other people?

Have you ever had the experience of feeling like God has given you a gift that can only be fulfilled through working together with someone else?

Read John 2: 1-11

The old wine boxes are flattened. It’s all run dry. And then suddenly there’s more wine. And it’s not just more wine. It’s the best wine.

Why do you think the wine tasted better? And how would you have felt as a guest at the wedding upon getting your glass topped up?


