
The Story Is All About Grace

Albert Bogle May 01, 2016 0 0
The Story Is All About Grace

Someone sent me a link to a video clip of Prof John Lennox the well known Professor of Chemistry sharing his thoughts on Christianity v Religion. It’s an interesting talk where he highlights the importance of the idea of ‘Grace’ within Christianity. It is this understanding of ‘Grace’ that turns all our relationships upside down and makes Christianity stand apart from religion. Our relationship with Jesus comes about not because we have kept the rules but because of God’s great love for a hopeless and hapless humanity 

The Christian faith is all about a living relationship with Jesus Christ. It is not about standing alone making it through life trying hard not to break the rules of religion. It is about a relationship that lifts our eyes from the gutter to see the stars. See see who we have become. This relationship  is so powerful that it impacts upon our family, neighbours and work colleagues. It seeks to also bring them into the story of ‘grace’ and redemption

These past few weeks we have used prayers and scripture reading that have tried to focus our thoughts on the story we are called to live out. Next month we will reflect upon the conversations we are all invited to have with Jesus. What is it that is puzzling you or confusing you?  Entering into a dialogue of prayer and reflection with each other and God can be and will be a powerful and memorable experience. Make sure you join us next week. Hopefully the alterations to the webpage and the App will soon allow all of us to comment on the prayers and the blog posting. 

Have a great weekend and my grace abound!