Midwives of Moses - New TOTM Episode Coming Soon!

The latest episode of Time of The Month will go live in a few days.
This month we are looking at the Midwives of Moses which can be found in Exodus 1: 15-21. To help you get the most from the podcast we invite you to read the text first.
First set aside some time when you can be quiet with God. Sit and be still and ask God to open your heart and your mind so that you can receive his blessings, his love and his direction.
Then read the text out loud. Take notice of anything that stands out for you. This will be different for everyone. Sit and pray over what has stood out for you.
After your quiet time with God, read the text out loud again. Did the same things stand out for you? Or did something different?
Some things to consider:
How did reading this scripture passage make you feel?
Why do you think you reacted this way?
Enjoy the podcast when it goes live and please do let us know any comments/questions/reflections you may have.
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