
Telling Time - Introduction

Jack Steel June 27, 2021 0 0

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James Cathcart introduces our new theme for this month: Telling Time

This past year and a half has given each of us new insights into the mysteries of time. For some of us it has run very fast lived at a frenetic pace, while for many these have been some of the slowest months of our lives. For others time has been stopped altogether by heartbreak, loss of employment or grief.

This month we want to tackle time itself. It’s that gap that lies between how the Bible came about and now. Between the creation of everything and the end of this sentence. Between Christ’s ultimate gesture of love and sacrifice and our heartfelt prayers today. These gaps can seem colossal… but our God is outside of time. God can reach through our experience of time unfolding and find us right here, right now.

Why not try following along with this months theme with our connect group material? Connect - Telling Time