Zooming In On Discipleship (November)

Artwork by Edward Steel
November 2024 (3 - 30 November).
Open the Resource Pack PDF for all the information on the weekly subthemes and the daily prompts and Bible readings which shape our Daily Worship and Sunday Live services. Read our Connect Bible Study Questions PDF that accompany the theme.
Being a disciple in the 21st century
This month we are zooming in on discipleship! Join us as we zero in on four disciples we meet in the New Testament: Phoebe, Timothy, Lydia, and Apollos. For this theme the twist is that we are going to spend all month looking at just a small selection of verses — less than 30 over the entire month. In week one we are only going to be reading two verses!
What will we discover as we slow down and take time to get to know these men and women who were some of the first disciples of the Jesus movement. While Timothy has some letters addressed to him in the Bible (1st and 2nd Timothy!) the other three are only mentioned briefly in the New Testament — but what they offer us is a fascinating insight into the early life of Christianity. As we explore what it means to be a disciple in the 21st century we can learn from them how to be a bright spark, a trusted envoy, champion texters, and astronauts on the Apollos Mission!
Phoebe, A Bright Spark — Sparking others!
Trusty Timothy — Representing for Jesus!
Lydia Texts Us — Getting to grips with pretext, context and subtext!
The Apollos Mission — Humour, humility and holiness!
This month we are zooming in on discipleship!
Join a Connect Group
Each week of the four week theme runs Sunday-Saturday and has its own subtheme, which contains daily Bible readings and prompts for thought (see the Resource Pack PDF for more information). Check out our Connect Bible Study Questions PDF that accompanies this month's theme.
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