When All Seems Lost (October)

James Cathcart October 02, 2022 0

October 2022 (2 October - 29 October). See the Resource Pack PDF for information on the weekly subthemes and the daily prompts and Bible readings which shape our Daily Worship. See the Bible Study Questions PDF to see the material adapted for small Connect groups or personal Bible study.


God gives us the gift of faith


This month our theme is ‘When All Seems Lost’.  Throughout scripture we are encouraged to never give up, even if the circumstances we find ourselves in seem impossible. 

Our theme will resonate with many people who over the past few weeks have been concerned about the rising in the cost of living and continuing war in Ukraine. It’s not easy to hold on to faith in these moments of great uncertainty, yet it is in such times of doubt and risk that God gives us the gift of faith to hold on and discover the light breaking through the darkest of clouds.

Our God has a history of making rough paths smooth and bringing healing into the most difficult of situations. Faith, gratitude, perseverance, and humility, these are words that Jesus often used to describe the citizens of his kingdom.

Using passages from Luke’s Gospel at the start of each week we will reflect how these passages help us understand the role of faith, gratitude, perseverance, and humility in the scriptural songs of lament we will be reading. 

 "When all seems lost ”  is an invitation to look again and encounter the compassion and love of God. 

Making rough paths smooth


Each week of the four week theme runs Sunday-Saturday and has its own subtheme, which contains daily Bible readings and prompts for thought (see the Resource Pack PDF for more information). See the Bible Study Questions PDF to see the material adapted for personal Bible study or small Connect groups.