Discovering God

Albert Bogle April 07, 2014 0

During the month of April Sanctuary First will concentrate on telling stories of hope renewal and forgiveness. All very appropriate as we prepare for Easter. The power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that it is transformational. Today politicians and philosophers and the so called opinion formers often ask how we can become transformational communities? It seems to us that the answer to this key idea is found within the gospels. These stories may help us as Christians begin to make authentic connections with a society that is in search of meaning and purpose. It is as individuals are transformed that we find communities eventually transformed. This is the work of the church today in parishes up and down the land. Within the theme we will often emphasis the role of woman in sustaining the ministry of Jesus. We will also use this connection to help us understand the significance that woman often play in transforming our present communities. This idea will be developed more in the month of May when we consider the theme “Discovering God Through Transformational Communities”. The Gospel stories themselves tell of people who were transformed by encountering Jesus Christ. Women like Mary Magdalene, Martha and Mary all add to the rich texture of the gospel’s transforming power. The story of the empty tomb and the resurrection of Jesus still causes people to ask questions. As well as looking at biblical characters whose lives were changed by Jesus there are people all over the world today who have similar stories to tell. Meeting Jesus turned their lives around. During this month we hope to meet some of these people and explore what it is that has brought about transformation. Easter allows Christians to explain why belief in the resurrection of Jesus can have significance for 21st century people we hope you will engage with us this month and discover for yourself the transforming power and presence of God in the world today.