Daily Worship Writer - Norah Summers on resetting
We thank Pamela Kennedy for her Daily Worship week and we welcome Norah Summers, Elder at Falkirk Trinity Church who continues our Exodus July theme Get Packing beginning Sunday 21 July.
This week as we join the Hebrews wandering in the wilderness, we check in with how we are going on our own walks. Are we on the lookout for manna, are we open to resting, re-setting and reconfiguring along the way?
This week Norah writes about going round in cirlces, going backwards, and going for the reset button:
“God of my journey,
give me grace to trust your plan,
and to look forward to each new fresh morning."
Read all of Norah's contributions in Daily Worship and check out our Connect questions which adapt the themes each month for small group Bible study.
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