
Sunday Live - Unfolding Days

April 23, 2023 / 3:00pm 0 0

Sunday at 3.00pm

Each Sunday join us for a LIVE Worship Service. 

Theme: All My Days (Unfolding Days)

God is with us for the long haul through our unfolding days! Join James from the team and his mum Rhona Cathcart, Minister of Inverurie West Parish Church for a reflective service of music, prayer and discussion as we explore what it means to ‘unfold with God’. Key text: The Walk To Emmaus, Luke 24: 13-35.

We continue our Easter theme ‘All My Days’.

After Service Coffee Shop

Come along and join us in The Virtual Coffee Shop after the service for a chat and a catch up. Chat to the team and other people from our worshipping online community.

The Virtual Coffee Shop is a LIVE video chat group we use "Zoom" and you'll need a device with a camera and microphone. Most laptops and phones have them built in!