Daily Worship

Wisemen and women don’t just come from the east

December 27, 2017 0 0
Image credit: Pixabay

Proverbs 19:17

17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,
    and he will reward them for what they have done.

We take a moment with CrossReach in the fourth of their weekly series through December.

The Book of Proverbs – amongst several other Old Testament writings – is in the genre of ‘wisdom literature’. Wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, common sense and insight. Yet, first and foremost it is a spiritual attribute, and, in the Christian faith, it is given high regard.

Wisdom suggests that whatever else happens to us through our encounter with God - we will be less inclined to put ourselves first. More than that, wisdom says that there should come a desire to ensure that other people are treated well – with respect, dignity, love and compassion becoming our watchwords. Then again, as wisdom works its course, the plight of the least becomes a new-found focus – all reflecting the very heart of God and his heart’s desire. 

Ultimately, wisdom leads us to think and act unselfishly. And, it leads us to think and act, sacrificially. Importantly, this is where joy and fulfilment can be found. It’s not simply doing for the sake of gaining or getting something in return. Instead, it’s responding in tandem, with the work of redemption which God has set in motion. A work which has a spiritual dynamic but which can also involve the practical and the social. 

All of that underpins the work of CrossReach. We say: “In Christ’s name we seek to support people to achieve the highest possible quality of life which they are capable of achieving at any given time.” 

Perhaps that’s something you could help us do? Are you located near one of our services? If so, perhaps you could take a moment in your life – each week or month - to volunteer or assist? And, if not nearby, then perhaps there are people and situations in your locality that would benefit from your help.

Whatever you do, become wiser, as God would have you do, and allow that wisdom to influence your heart, and not just your head. Then you’ll be blessed, and others will surely be so, too! 


You are the God who came,

giving up who You were, and giving-up what You had, 

all so that we might know something more, 

as you have lifted us - who were once poor -

making a way for us to be enriched in You. 

Now, help us – all the more – to see others made in Your image, 

responding to Your call, to play our part, in their restoration – to Your image. 

For this is our prayer, spoken in Jesus name. Amen.