Daily Worship

When there are no words

Wendy August 04, 2017 0 1
Image credit: Christian Aid

Romans 8: 26

26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.

'Anne wrote her diary in hiding in a secret annex of an old warehouse for two years. The diary stops abruptly in August 1944, when her family are betrayed and eventually sent to Auschwitz death camp.' - The Diary of Anne Frank


Spirit of God,

Did you sigh too deep for words

For the millions sent to concentration camps?

Did you sigh too deep for words 

For the hundreds of thousands killed by the Indonesian Tsunami?

Did you sigh too deep for words  

for the earthquake shattered lives of thousands in Haiti

Did you sigh too deep for words

for those trapped by fire in Grenfell tower?

Do you sigh too deep for words

for the women violated in the DRC?

Do you sigh too deep for words

for the silent shattered streets of Syria?   

Do you sigh too deep for words

for the frustrated refugees in camps in Greece?  

Do you sigh too deep for words

for those who ache with loneliness?

Do you sigh too deep for words

for those desperate to make ends meet?

Do you sigh too deep for words

with the suddenly bereaved and 

those living with eternal grief?


Oh Spirit, help us in our weakness, 

when there are no words,

when we do not know how to pray as we ought.


Image: In South Sudan (Christian Aid)