Daily Worship

There’s traffic lights on every journey

December 18, 2013 0 0

Luke 1:14-15

But the angel reassured him, “Don’t fear, Zachariah. Your prayer has been heard. Elizabeth, your wife, will bear a son by you. You are to name him John. You’re going to leap like a gazelle for joy, and not only you many will delight in his birth. He’ll achieve great stature with God.

Father, thank you for not answering some of my prayers.
There are things on my journey I have asked you to do and you have not.
Thank you.
I guess I’m not really that smart after all.
I guess I am not as wise as you.
I guess my reasons for asking were not quite on the mark.
I guess you are wise and know stuff and see stuff that I just can’t.
I guess you have the big picture covered.
I guess?

Father, thank you for giving me the patience to wait for the answer to prayers.
The Holy Spirit gives me patience in an impatient sort of way.
I try not interfere and intercept the coming answers but I sometimes do.
Under examination it’s not your fingerprints that I see but mine.
Grant me more grace to be more patient.
More grace to trust.
More grace to accept.
More faith and less fret.
Peace. Peace. Peace.
Beyond understanding but not beyond experience.

Father, on my journey two roads, minds and hearts have come together.
WOW!  You not only heard my prayer but answered it.
Not only answered it but went beyond what I asked.  Double WOW!!
I don’t’ really know why or how or why now and not then?
Just a mega thanks my awesome God and Saviour.
You do answer prayer.

Your communication lines are never down.
The faith journey is never walked in isolation.
Jesus my guide.
My consolation in every prayer.
No, not yet, yes….. Jesus.  Amen



Jim Stewart, Letham St Mark's, Perth