Daily Worship


December 19, 2013 0 0

Luke 10: 38-40

As they continued their travel, Jesus entered a village. A woman by the name of Martha welcomed him and made him feel quite at home. She had a sister, Mary, who sat before the Master, hanging on every word he said. But Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen.

Father, thank you for “Good old Jean.”
She is aye there and never misses her duties.
She is a fixture but not a facade.
She has a sense of permanence like few others.
I thank you for this wonderful celebration of humble service.
I thank you for this Martha of the Church.

I see you in her.

As I travel through my life you see my doubts and fears.
You are aware of the questions in my mind.
All too clear to you is the nagging worry about me not understanding every part of Scripture.
It’s not the clarity of a clever answer I need but a living, breathing example.

Lord Jesus, you are that example.
The Word become human.
The invisible become visible.
And now you live in Jean.

I know she is not a “Saint” but she is a “saint.”
I know she is not permanent but she will live in eternity.
I know she has flaws and sins but she also has the Spirit of Jesus.
I know you love her and we love her too.

Thank you for the Martha's who need to “do.”
Thank you for the examples of grace in flesh.
Thank you for the understated saints who inspire in underwhelming ways.
Thank you for the ordinary that never stands out and is never missed by You.
Thank you for those who make footprints in the sand so that we can follow.
Thank you for Jean and Martha
In Jesus’ name. Amen



Jim Stewart, Letham St Mark's, Perth