Daily Worship

Sunday is rest day

Albert Bogle August 21, 2022 0 6
Image credit: Unsplash
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Matthew 11: 28-30 (NRSVA)

28 ‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’

For the Christian Sunday is the first day of the week not Monday. Sunday is the day of resurrection it is the day of rest. The day in which we can start all over again and have a new beginning. It’s the day in which we can leave the past week behind and have a fresh start. A day when we can hear Jesus say “Come unto me and I’ll give you rest”.

In our Christian communities we need to reclaim Sunday as a day of rest and relaxation.

Too often for those involved with leadership in the local congregation Sunday becomes the busiest day in the week. Yet it should be the most enjoyable and stress-free day of the week.  A day in which we appreciate the gift of worship.




Lord of all my days

Take hold of my Sundays

Help me

Shake out of them all the things that I can do on another day.

Teach me how to make space in my life — just to do nothing.

To enjoy being alive.

Help me make a space this Sunday to stand and stare

To be mesmerised

And spell-bound with life permeated by both beauty and hurt.

Full of so much knowledge and mystery.

We live in an incredible world.

Show me how to take time to enjoy Sunday.


Day of the Sun

Lord’s day

Day of the Son

Darkness cannot hide from you

Son of the morning

Break into our lives today

Banish the darkness

Let the light stream in on my soul

Let me rest in you presence

Relax in your care

Respond to the day


Time to Reflect:


Take a moment to think upon the place of rest and forgiveness in your life.