Daily Worship

Service brings peace

John Povey May 05, 2018 0 1
Image credit: Pixabay

Mark 10: 43-44

43 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.

There is a wonderful story from Ghana about a character named Kwaku Anansie. Once, it is said, Kwaku Anansie lived in a town filled with wicked people. They were always fighting, backbiting, and stealing. Finally Kwaku Anansie decided to teach these people a lesson. He prepared a large banquet. Then he invited everyone in the town, on one condition. They had to eat with the spoons he provided.

As the guests arrived, Kwaku Anansie handed each guest a spoon with a very long handle. The guests then began to eat the delicious food set before them. But since they were sitting close together, they disturbed one another with the ends of their long spoons. Soon all the guests were pushing, shouting, and fighting. Kwaku Anansie stood on a chair and called for order. “I have invited you to a banquet, and you have turned it into a battle ground. Why are you doing this?”

One of the guests raised his spoon and shouted, “Kwaku Anansie, you have deceived us and made us look foolish! Nobody can eat with these long spoons you have given us!”  Then Kwaku Anansie responded, “No, it is not I that have made you look foolish, but rather your own selfishness has betrayed you.”  Then he called one of the guests to sit across the table from him.  “This is the way to use these spoons,” he said, as he dipped his long spoon into the soup and fed the person sitting across from him.

That is the story of how Kwaku Anansie taught the people of his town how to live in peace.

Jesus showed us that our purpose in life is not simply to look after ourselves, but to serve our neighbour.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ comes alive, and peace and harmony grow in this world, when people truly serve one another.


Lord God, 

Teach me humility to listen to the needs of others.

Give me a willingness to sacrifice for the good of others and especially those in need.

In Jesus’ name and for his sake. 
