Daily Worship


Jane Denniston July 08, 2015 0 0

Acts 17:28

Genesis 2.18:
Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.’

Acts 17.28
For “In him we live and move and have our being”;

Lord, you made me.
You formed me from clay and breathed life into me.
You made me to live in community
In you and with others.
In community I am complete
In community we are the body of Christ
In community we reflect you
And we need one another.
Help me to love others
To trust and respect others,
That I am not afraid, nor ashamed.
May I accept and love others
As I would want to be accepted and loved
May I not promise more than I can deliver
And not fail to deliver that which I have promised,
That the community may be strengthened and built up,
A place of safety and succour
So that we can be open with one another
Uniting the community through respect
And integrity,
That we might reflect your integrity
Into the world.