Daily Worship

Decisions, decisions

Gillian Paterson July 20, 2015 0 0

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

Lord, you ask us to trust you with all our heart,
And I want to....I want to place my trust somewhere and in someone.
But it’s hard, because those around me tell me to trust my instincts,
They say I am the one who knows the path to follow,
I am hearing the conflicting views and opinions of friends and family,
Do this...do that....no don’t do this...instead do that.....
I’m confused.....I feel saddened.....I feel let down.....I want to have a clear head......
If I go in this direction, will I disappoint some friends?
If I do the opposite, will my colleagues and associates have a different view of me?

The pressure is overwhelming at times, to conform, and to get it right,
So I stop....and pray...help me Lord. Show me the path you want me to take.
Walk with me as I take the faltering steps, now I know the way I should go, with you as my advocate and friend.