Daily Worship


July 30, 2012 0 0

Song of Songs 1: 15-16

​Ah, you are beautiful, my love;

ah, you are beautiful; your eyes are doves. 

Ah, you are beautiful, my beloved,

truly lovely.

God and source of love,

You created this world, 

And saw that it was good,

But often I am blind to the beauty around me,

The beauty of the people around me

The people you created

The people you have blessed me with.

Forgive me, Lord, when I close my eyes 

To the beauty in another.

Forgive me when I fail to love them

As you love me.

Help me to see them with your eyes.

To look upon them as you look upon me.

To see their beauty

And thank you for them.

Help me to believe 

That I too am beautiful

In your eyes

And live in the knowledge of that love.