Daily Worship

Judge of All

July 29, 2012 0 0

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

​Now all has been heard;

here is the conclusion of the matter:

Fear God and keep his commandments,

for this is the duty of all mankind.

For God will bring every deed into judgment,

including every hidden thing,

whether it is good or evil.

​Leaping from the aeroplane on the first parachute jump,

stepping from the ledge with a bungee trailing behind,

speaking to a crowd of thousands.

Fear sometimes paralyses, or forces action without thinking.

Fearing you, God, is different,

for it is about awe, respect, and devotion.

The duty you seek is bathed in love,

flows from a response of gladness at your first giving

and merges with the worship of saints and angels through the generations.

Great Judge of all the earth, who does what is right:

let us worship you, keep your commandments

and follow in your ways all our lives,

and so enter your promised rest

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


written by Grant Barclay
