Daily Worship

Always at home

Robert Allan July 25, 2018 0 0
Image credit: Pixabay

Psalm 23: 6

6 I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life;
    and your house will be my home as long as I live.

I remember a children’s story about a tortoise that wanted to find his home. He visited all sorts of other animals – the badger in the set, the bee in the hive, the chicken in the hen-house, the pig in the sty, the rabbit in the burrow – you get the picture! Poor tortoise didn’t seem to have a home, until the wise old owl pointed out that the home of the tortoise was on his back. His shell was his home. And so he was always at home, wherever he went. 

A simple children’s story and yet for me it pictures exactly what David meant when he said, “your house will be my home as long as I live”. We are always at home with God wherever we find ourselves, for God is our home, and his goodness and love always surround us. 


Lord, you are my shepherd. You don’t give me everything I want, but you do give me everything I need. You give me food and water. If only every person had enough in this world. Teach me, teach us, to share. You give me new strength when all my own strength seems to have vanished. You guide my steps through life all the way to your heavenly home. Loving God, your love for me and for each person is unfailing, your forgiveness freely given; you make me feel so honoured. I feel as if I am at home in your presence, and then I realise I am. Thank you. In the name of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Amen.