Saturday 15 February 
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The Greatest Thing - Connect Groups





This month we are thinking all about LOVE! We have chosen the title ‘The Greatest Thing’, taken from “The Greatest Thing In The World” which is the title of Henry Drummond’s wonderful little book written in the late 19th century.

God is love, he created us and redeemed us out of love. If we reflect the love of Christ we will be changed. We do this through practice, through living close to Jesus. As metal takes on magnetic properties when kept close to a magnet so we begin to take on the properties of Christ’s love as we walk close to him.

Read Corinthians 13

Our key text for the whole theme is 1 Corinthians 13. We suggest that you read this text each time you come to this material on your own, or as a group, (perhaps you could even read the chapter every day this month) as it is the backbone of the entire theme.


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