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The Awakening - Connect Groups





There are periods in the history of humanity when those living through times of great transition feel something has happened to change the whole destiny of the world. The physical and spiritual and psychological effect of the resurrection had such an effect. It was said of the first Christians that they turned the known world upside down with their convincing beliefs that God had come into the world in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. They claimed it was an awakening of the human spirit to a new world order.

This month we too are looking for a new world order because we believe that we are simply reflecting the longing in so many hearts today for the renewal of the church. We’re starting to talk about a season of awakening. A time when the Holy Spirit is going to draw near to us all and bring about a renewal of faith. We truly believe we are living in such a moment again. It can’t be the same as other times but it is a ‘shaking of the foundations moment’. There is a stirring in the air, across the world, like a changing of the guard, no one can quite put their finger on it, but we know when we come out of lockdown — lockdown will have transformed everything. Nothing will quite ever be the same again.


