Monday 11 November 
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Rock, Paper, Scissors, Pegs - Connect Groups

Week Four


‘Rock’ A Peter Case Study


It’s Pentecost, we have explored paper, scissors and pegs and now it’s time to rock on with Peter! The big man, one of the most vivid protagonists of our faith, beloved for his flaws as much as his strengths. A true rock of the early church but one that could crumble, a man of great faith and great doubt. An unstoppable force that met the immovable object of God’s love. This week we build a cairn out of the rocky fragments of this vital, vigorous life and see how it can help mark the way for us.


Read Acts 2: 1-21 (and 22-42 if you have time and your group is up for it!)

It’s a rocky moment, totally unprecedented, no one is sure what happens next. And then the big man gets up to speak...

What stands out to you about this scene? Especially about Peter and his actions throughout? What moments or details interest or puzzle you?

Read John 21: 15-19

Now we go back in time and stand with Jesus and Peter on the rocky beach. What can we learn from this scene for our lives of discipleship today? Can we take some little insights — some little rocks — from this shoreline to build a little cairn to help the mark the way for our own journey?

Read Acts 10: 1-33 (and 34-48 if you have got time and your group is up for it!)

Flipping forward, back to Acts, we find the rocky road Cornelius took to Peter, that Peter took to Cornelius, and that both of them took to new understanding.

What do you think of the various steps both men took on this new rocky ground they found themselves in? What do you make of how they responded to their visions and what they did next?


* SEEDS TO SOW: These are open-ended and optional prompts and are designed for people wanting to develop their own resources in response to the themes. Perhaps if you are using this material as a group you could use these prompts to inspire a time of prayer, or drawing, or creative writing? They are a short and sweet, simply a starting off place for you and your imagination. Tailor and develop as suits your group.


