Sunday 15 September 
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Reconciled by Grace - Connect Questions

Week Two


Part 2: It’s our families that cause the most pain

Read Genesis 37: 1-11

If you were Joseph and you had dreams like that would you have told your brothers about them? Why is it that it’s often our family members who irritate us the most?

Read Psalm 85

A vision of restoration, of renewed relationships — beautifully expressed in verse 10: 

“Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet;
righteousness and peace will kiss each other.” (NRSV)

How can we respond to God’s grace and embody steadfast love so as to meet faithfulness, righteousness and peace in our homes, our churches and our local communities?

Read Revelation 21:1-5

In amongst the rich, vivid, ornate language of Revelation there is this simple ordinary picture of God wiping away tears. A tender moment of a beloved parent caring for an upset child with a gentle thumb on our cheekbone to dry our crying eyes. God cares deeply for each one of us.

One day mourning will be no more, but we live through mourning now. How can we be more attentive to the tears of others? How can we be more like God and be responsive to the pain and struggles that others go through?


