Saturday 27 July 
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Prayers For Living - Connect Groups

Week Three


Prayers for getting things done



Read Isaiah 40: 1-5

A prayer before ironing.

This passage is an invitation to become a healer. To whom is it that we are being called to speak words of comfort?

Exploring ironing as a metaphor for straightening out your life... Could it be an exercise used to pray about and think through ways to smooth out wrinkled lives? But is ironing itself a pointless chore? A waste of time? Or not?

What would your prayer before ironing contain?

Read John 21: 1-14

A prayer while preparing food.

Taking time as we cook to remember that Jesus cooked too! Have you ever thought of the preparation that Jesus went to in order to cook the fish for this breakfast encounter? He used food to break the ice. He used the fish to gather his disciples around him and to mend a relationship with Peter.

How might we use prayer and food preparation to mend relationships?

Read John 12: 1-8

A prayer on receiving a gift.

Right in the midst of our everyday we are often surprised by the generosity of others! Mary’s gift to Jesus is full of love and devotion. Like Jesus, most people make a point of thanking friends for gifts. Why is it also important to thank God for the gifts that others bring to us? What could Jesus see that others couldn’t see?


* SEEDS TO SOW: These are open-ended and optional prompts and are designed for people wanting to develop their own resources in response to the themes. Perhaps if you are using this material as a group you could use these prompts to inspire a time of prayer, or drawing, or creative writing? They are a short and sweet, simply a starting off place for you and your imagination. Tailor and develop as suits your group.


