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Habitats of Hope - Connect Groups

Week One


Nests of Hope


When a bird starts gathering twigs and moss they are acting in hope, working towards an uncertain but willed for future. When summer holidays begin to draw to a close and a new season approaches we start putting together a new bundle of ideas about the months ahead: names we’ll be remembering, gifts we’ll be nurturing, cares we’ll be carrying. Perhaps there will be: particular song lyrics, Bible verses, quotes from books, and conversation with friends we’ll be weaving into this year’s nest.




Read Psalm 84: 3 (we suggest you read the whole psalm and then return to focus on verse 3)

Nest making anew.

Why do you think the psalmist includes this reference to birds nesting? What do you think it tell us about our relationship with God?

Read 1 Kings 3: 5-12


Let’s reflect on the keen-eyed owlish perception of Solomon who wisely asks for wisdom. During this ‘bird’ week we can think of him as a canny owl looking around, aware of the dangers and opportunities that surround him. Did you know that some species of owls have ears at two different heights!? The asymmetric position helps them to discern where a given sound is coming from. Combined with their night vision it contributes to their uncanny ability to find things in the darkness and has doubtless contributed to their reputation for piercing insight.

The process of discerning between good and evil, of choosing the right path, can be a bit like that… one of working out where the sound is coming from! A place of good, or a place of evil? Like an owl flying through the forest - or a young leader thrown into the deep end in our reading

What are the things that can help us find our way and discern a wise path?

Read Matthew 13: 31-32

A vast nest network!

What would it mean to consciously ‘nest’ each year with God? Taking our place amongst the branches and intentionally working on a place to shelter? Like a bird gathering bits and pieces for their nest, what could we be weaving into our nests for the year ahead? It could be things like particular Bible verses, a meaningful phrase, a verse from a hymn, a particular piece of art, a journey you plan to take… What is going to help you focus on God this year?

* SEEDS TO SOW: These are open-ended and optional prompts and are designed for people wanting to develop their own resources in response to the themes. Perhaps if you are using this material as a group you could use these prompts to inspire a time of prayer, or drawing, or creative writing? They are a short and sweet, simply a starting off place for you and your imagination. Tailor and develop as suits your group.


