

Albert Bogle December 05, 2013 0 0

This month I’ve chosen the theme  'Journeys ' to hang all my Christmas sermons and thoughts. I’ve been particularly captivated by the idea that “ The Gift is the Journey” I think that is what the wise men discovered and also the shepherds and even Mary and Joseph and dare I say it perhaps even Jesus himself. I think the journey itself is our engagement with faith and becomes our gift to use and celebrate. Don't get me wrong. Its not the only gift. Jesus Christ  himself is the greatest gift.  I think Paul uses the phrase opf Jesus ' Thanks be to God for his 'unspeakable gift" However making a journey can be one of the most enriching experiences of life and even if  it is a difficult journey we can often reflect back and see it was a valuable journey.

The wise men offer us all a starting point. Before we go on a journey we decide what we'll take with us and what we'll leave behind. I think as we reflect on the jouneys we have taken in our lives we can't help but recognise the cost and the challenege living demands from all of us.

We all have to make journeys in our lives. How we deal with the journey will affect our destination. The journey may hold us back, cause us to change direction even consider turning back. Yet we all understand that we change and grow and develop physically. This kind of development has been often likened to a journey. I think we also have to make another discover. We all have the opportunity and potential to grow and develop spiritually.  The journey of the wise men allows us to reflect on life and perhaps use the story as we know it as a metaphor for all of our lives.