Turning points

Albert Bogle October 01, 2017 0

Leadership can be a lonely experience. Whether you lead or are a team member it is essential that everyone understands the issues involved in being a leader. When we examine and reflect upon the pressures of leadership we become better team members and leaders. When leaders realise that their authority to lead, in essence, stems from the relationship with the team they lead it is not long before the role of the servant leader becomes evident. Ultimately of course all Christian leadership finds its authority in the call of God, who in turn models leadership for us in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. Norman Drummond in his book The Power of Three unashamedly introduces Jesus as the best example of authentic leadership.

This month, following the lectionary, we are going to be considering turning points in the life of Moses and how these turning points influenced and had an impact on the people he was called to lead. There are five stories, four from the book of Exodus and one from the very last chapter of Deuteronomy. Each story comes at the beginning of a week and the remaining readings act as additional biblical material that sheds further light on the weekly theme being discussed and leads us into making comparisons between Moses and Jesus.