The World on your Doorstep

Creator August 01, 2011 0

Mission is something that all Christians involved in, whether we know it or not, we are witnessing to the world in word and deed. We could actually get on a boat or plane or stay at home, but wherever we are, we are influencing those around us for good or ill. Jesus called us to take the gospel to all nations, starting where we are and so mission starts on our doorstep, wherever that doorstep may be. What does the world look like from any given point on the face of the earth? Where I stand it looks like this; green trees and fields and blue skies (it’s been a nice day here) tomorrow it may just be grey. Grey skies casting their shadow over everything, the landscape will be the same, but the sky has changed how it looks. What does it look like from where you are? The prayers you will read this month will come from all around the world.We are looking as usual for one prayer for each day of the month, however on this occasion, one from a different person in a different situation, somewhere in the world. We want to understand what mission looks like from your doorstep and so share with you in your prayer life. We can also be encouraged to see our own front doorstep to be our mission field. Please share with us one prayer and a photograph from where you are. What will you find on your front doorstep? Who knows? Before you leave your front door, why not write down a prayer about the situation you will face today, and, as you leave take a photo and send it to us, send your postcard-prayers from your home.