
Albert Bogle October 02, 2016 0

As the seasons change and as summer moves into autumn, as the leaves change on the trees and as mornings grow colder and mistier and days grow shorter and the nights longer where do we find ourselves?

This might be quite different for each individual, and may well depend on the physical world around us; is it different for those in the midst of the concrete jungles of our inner cities and towns than it is for those in more rural areas who are surrounded by the natural beauty of the countryside, who see farmers ploughing and planting, and for whom each day can be a battle of the elements?

Where as in September Sanctuary First looked at the question of identity and who we are, during October as the seasons change and we find ourselves in autumn, our focus is on where we are. Where do we find our roots, is it in the land, the environment that we live in or is it somewhere else? Belonging is something we all crave, but is it about belonging to place, raising questions of nationality and borders, or is it about finding our roots in something else?

The Bible suggests that we find our place of belonging, our rootedness in God, as His children, in His kingdom rather than conforming to the ways of the world that we live in, and just as a seed needs to be planted in just the right soil to bear fruit, so the fruit of our lives is dependant on where we have our roots. Which kingdom are we the citizens of? The one we physically inhabit or the one which Jesus spoke of?

We all want to be able to do great things, but sometimes it’s the small things that matter.

Share with us this month the small things that have made a big difference using #SmallThings - it could be a mustard seed moment in your day, or the mustard seed person in your life – a moment of thanksgiving.