Read All About It!

Albert Bogle September 02, 2013 0

Making News 

This month we have chosen the theme ‘read all about it.‘ The idea is that we as Christians cannot live our lives in a bubble cacooned away from the  news headlines.  We have to face the realities of everyday life.  Like everyone else we have to make our minds up about situations which often have no clear cut answer.  Karl Barth was one of the most influencial theologians of the last century, writing in Time Magazine he recalls that he once advised a young theologian ‘take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret your newspaper from your Bible’ too often we interpret the Bible through the lense of the news reporters. We would like to invite you to participate in our faith adventure this month. Please make a point of using the Sanctuary First material. We have asked a number of experienced Christian leaders to write prayers that will help us to reflect on some of the issues that continually seem to absorb our attention. At the heart of Christianity is a belief that God is intricately involved in his world. Jesus once suggested that not even a sparrtow falls to the ground without God knowing and caring.  He then suggested that if this is the case surely God cares about the detail of our lives. One thing I’m sure of we are called to work and pray for peace throughout the world. Surely then we are all challenged to live our lives at peace woith each other. Making peace is never easy but it is a truly joyeous experience.   Make your own news headlines this week phone a friend and make up.