Heaven Touching Earth 1

James Cathcart February 11, 2018 0

Open the Heaven Touching Earth Lent 2018 Resource Pack Part 1 to read/download the free PDF which contains an intro to the theme, the weekly sub themes, and daily readings and thought triggers. The first part of this theme runs from 11 February to 03 March.

During the season of Lent we are going to challenge the strict boundaries that we draw between earth and heaven, and between the physical and spiritual. We are going to engage with the rich tradition of Celtic Christianity that doesn’t divide things so starkly, and that can help us to spot the spiritual in the everyday, woven into the fabric of our existence. We will look at the increasing popularity of ideas such as wellbeing, mindfulness, spirituality and holistic ways of thinking about health - physical, mental and emotional.

We are inspired by Ian Bradley’s book on Celtic Christianity, ’Colonies of Heaven’ that explores Celtic models of church and considers what if any might fit the church today. Bradley suggests while many have romanticised Celtic Christianity, there is enough historical evidence to allow 21st century Christians to engage with material that can inspire a new generation to embrace a more inclusive, welcoming, and grace filled Christianity.

It is our hope that while reading scripture and praying together as the Sanctuary First community, that we might discover new models of church that will be invaluable to all of us as we seek to create a living expression of Christ’s body here online. While many no longer attend church, a great number of former church members still describe themselves as Christians and an ever increasing number of people are exploring spirituality in new (or actually very old) ways through music, personal reflection, and discussion groups - or through their commitment to justice and equality in our world.

So over this time of reflection, let’s embrace everyday spirituality, discovering the fantastic in the ordinary, keeping watch for moments when heaven touches earth…

See the ​​​​​​​Heaven Touching Earth Lent 2018 Resource Pack Part 1 for more information.