Finding Time this Christmas (Dec/Advent)

James Cathcart November 27, 2022 0

December/Advent 2022 (27 November - 31 December). See the Resource Pack PDF for information on the weekly subthemes and the daily prompts and Bible readings which shape our Daily Worship. See the Bible Study Questions PDF to see the material adapted for small Connect groups or personal Bible study.


Let’s find time this Christmas!


There are few things as precious as quality time with those who love us. The Incarnation, Jesus coming to live amongst us and then dwelling in our hearts, is the ultimate in quality time! Jesus, the Word at the beginning of the universe, choosing to spend time with us, getting to know us, caring for us.

With this winter being a difficult one for many with the rising costs of living and energy we are all having to evaluate what is important. So we decided this Advent we should focus on quality time. The quality time Jesus finds for us and the quality time we find with one another. Forget the wrapping paper, the tinsel, the recipes, the to-do lists — what shines brightest is the opportunity to take time together. Time with Jesus and with one another matters more than any decoration or recipe or present.

Of the 33 odd years of Jesus’s earthly ministry he only spent the last few years in active public ministry, he spent the decades before that spending time with us. Jesus could have materialised as a thirty-something firebrand, but he didn’t. He was born a baby to live a real flesh and blood human life. He took his time with us. We should take our time with him.

So let’s find time this Christmas. Time with Jesus, time with those we love, time with those who need us. Christmas can be an insular time where we focus on our nearest and dearest but our calling from Jesus invites us to look outwards too! What really matters, what is really important? Let’s think about how we spend our time? What are we going to find time for this Christmas?

SETTING THE SCENE: This month we are continuing experimenting with having a visual/multi-sensory motif for each week. The idea is that this word provides an additional focus point for preparing services or multimedia from the material. It is not intended to be restrictive and is simply a suggestion to combine with the theme prompts to inspire creativity.

SEEDS TO SOW: Additional suggestions. Open-ended prompts and are designed for people wanting to develop their own ideas/resources in response to the themes. Perhaps if using this material as a group you could use these prompts to inspire a time of prayer, or drawing, or creative writing? They are intended to be short and sweet, simply a starting off place for you and your imagination, be encouraged to tailor/develop as suits your group. In this section we also have some optional group challenges that you could do each week and then share in your group how you got on, only if you wish.


Time with Jesus, time with those we love


Each week of the five week theme runs Sunday-Saturday and has its own subtheme, which contains daily Bible readings and prompts for thought (see the Resource Pack PDF for more information). See the Bible Study Questions PDF to see the material adapted for personal Bible study or small Connect groups.

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