Discovering God Through Transition

Creator May 05, 2014 0

As we journey through the biblical accounts of resurrection we very quickly discover that the resurrection brings us to the place of transition. We find ourselves living in a world that is finite yet being given a glimpse of the infinite. In our world rooted in time death is inevitable while at the same time the resurrection of Jesus projects us into thinking in a new dimension. The first disciples found themselves experiencing the first fruits of God’s new Kingdom. Resurrection breaks into time speaking of a new order and inviting us to live through a time of transition with the expectation that one day we too will have a resurrected body. During the month of May we will consider the implications of this belief for all of us as we live through this transition. What lessons can we learn from the first disciples as they lived through a time of waiting with expectation for the coming of the Holy Spirit and also that one day Christ will return again. We too have our waiting times facing and living through the changes we face in our life journey.