Daily Worship Writer - Peter Neilson on belonging

We thank Rhona Cathcart for her Daily Worship week and we welcome Peter Neilson who continues our new theme What's New in Galatians? on Sunday 8th September.
Peter Neilson is a retired Church of Scotland minister living in Crail with Dorothy and a long time contributor to Sanctuary First. He is part of the team of Forge Scotland, equipping women and men for pioneer mission and church planting for the missing generations.
This week he writes about belonging, trees, and promises.
"Bring us back to the Cross to gaze in wonder
at Your love so freely given,
where all is seen, and all is forgiven,
where each is known, and each is accepted"
Read all of Peter's week in Daily Worship and read up on our Connect Bible Study questions that adapt our material for small group discussion.
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