
Sunday Live - Legacy of Hope

October 30, 2022 / 3:00pm 0 1

Every Sunday at 3PM

Each Sunday join us for a LIVE Worship Service. 

Theme: A Legacy Of Hope

This week on Sunday Live we start our new theme: 'A Legacy Of Hope'. 

We have been entrusted with a legacy of hope by all the saints that have gone before us! Not a legacy of fear, or suspicion or bitterness, but one of hope! We are responsible for nurturing a legacy that has sustained, inspired and comforted generations over the centuries.

We begin by reflecting on All Saints Day, exploring the legacy that the Communion of Saints have carried with them and subsequently handed on to us. Over the month we want to ask, what legacies do we rely on and draw strength from? And what legacies will we leave behind? Are we leaving legacies of hope?

Our hope is a rich, transformative thing. Hope is not optimism, or foolhardiness, or cheerfulness, or a denial of reality. Our hope is knowing that the deep love at the heart of the universe — the deep love of God — loves us, and cares for us and considers us all worthy of that love.

The service will be live streamed here on Sanctuary First and on Facebook. We will be joined by members of our regular worshipping community and invite guests to contribute from around the world. Join the Sanctuary First team for a full service of music, praise and reflection. 

After Service Coffee Shop

Come along and join us in The Virtual Coffee Shop after the service for a chat and a catch up. Chat to the team and other people from our worshipping online community.

The Virtual Coffee Shop is a LIVE video chat group we use "Zoom" and you'll need a device with a camera and microphone. Most laptops and phones have them built in!