Daily Worship

Who Do You Love?

Amanda MacQuarrie January 31, 2019 0 0
Image credit: Brick wall - Pixabay
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1 Thessalonians 1: 3-4

3 We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

4 For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you,

Do you pray?

Think for a moment…

Who do you regularly pray for?


Family? Friends? Those in need? Yourself?


If you go along to church, do you pray for the folk who sit next to you?

What about those who sit ahead of you or behind you?

How about those on the other side?


In many of our towns and cities many different denominations and fellowships exist…

Do you pray for these other churches?

Do you give thanks to God for them; asking God to bless their ministry?


If we’re serious about building God’s kingdom we need to think outside the walls of our churches, and across denominational walls which divide us.

What might it mean to pray God’s blessing on the other churches and fellowships within the area where you live and worship…

For you?

For your faith?

For your fellowship?

For your town?

For God’s Kingdom?



When you walked this earth,

You taught us what it means to do what you asked of us,

To love one another…


And yet…

         And yet….


Forgive us Lord that rather than find things in common we in your church focus on what divides us;

That rather than seeking to build your Kingdom here on earth,

We seek the bums on seats in our congregation.

O Lord,

How at times you must weep!

Remind us Lord that it is you,

The God of Mission who has a church in the world,

That as Christians coming together to pray and give thanks,

We witness to your love, to the life that your Son offers and to your continued presence and work in the world today.

And your Kingdom grows…

Encourage and enable us to be Kingdom builders,

And to love and pray for one another in all of our differences and diversity.
