Daily Worship

What a beautiful picture!

Robert Allan February 21, 2022 0 3
Image credit: Unsplash
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1 Corinthians 13:10 (GNT)

10 but when what is perfect comes, then what is partial will disappear.

When we try to contain God all we do is put blinkers on – we wrap God up – we limit his love – and our vision is hampered. One of the many benefits of being a grandfather is that I get to watch some of the children’s films. There is a lovely one called “Ferdinand” about a bull growing up, a bull who loves flowers and hates bull-fighting – there is a little part in the film where he is in the yard with other bulls, one of whom is like our version of the highland variety and this daft bull cannot see anything because his hair folds down over his eyes. Friendly bull Ferdinand gives his pal’s hair a good lick and so sets his hair back on his head. Suddenly the highland bull can see everything, including a beautiful sunset which he sits on his backside and watches in amazement – a whole new world has opened up to him – the scales from his eyes have been cleared in one easy lick! If we ever think we have God contained, then perhaps one good lick will set our hair back and we can see more of the bigger picture…until that day the partial gives way and we behold the whole perfect Kingdom!




Loving God, you smile upon us, as we run here and there, scrambling around, trying to make our lives and our world and our Church perfect. Help us to make time to wait upon you, to be still and know that you are our God. Perfection is out of our reach yet help us by your Spirit to open our eyes to new possibilities and to new visions until your Kingdom comes in all its completeness. Amen.