Daily Worship

Remembering Our Roots

January 13, 2015 0 0

Luke 4: 16

He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him.

As Jesus returned to Nazareth to begin his teaching,
we take a moment to recall the place we were brought up.

We give you thanks for all that we experienced there of love and peace,
and we pray for those growing up in that place today.

We give you thanks for each person who taught us of faith and promise
and we pray that we may be such people for those growing up around us today.

As Jesus went to the Synagogue,
we take a moment to bring to mind the places where we meet to worship.

We give you thanks for all whose faithful Service in the past has given us a church today.
and we pray that we may pass on such a heritage to those who will come after us.

As Jesus received the ancient words of the prophet
we take a moment to express thanks for the words of scripture made available to us.

Save us from taking it for granted,
and help us, like Jesus, to receive it
to learn from it,
to be faithful to it.
