Daily Worship

The way of wisdom

November 09, 2014 0 0

Ecclesiastes 4:13

Better is a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king, who will no longer take advice.


It is always a tricky question to answer, where shall we look for effective leadership?  Youthfulness brings with it a zest for exploring possibilities with less of a concern for the risks.  Age can bring forethought grounded in previous experience, so avoiding unnecessary risks.  The writer of Ecclesiastes endeavours to get the reader to reflect on what is wise and lasting over against that which is temporary and passing.  In this brief text perhaps the emphasis is on the readiness to take advice, whatever the age.



I like to think I am self-sufficient, loving God:
able to think for myself;
capable of good things;
surefooted in the direction I will go….
…and yet, in my heart I also know my confidence is limited.

I need others –
for their thoughts, 
their insights, 
their reassurance, 
their ability to temper my flashes of frustration, anger and impulse.

Let me learn the way of wisdom 
which enables me to be at ease with
allowing that I might not always be right.

Christ, in your mercy, hear my prayer.
