The Kingdom Comes

Listen to this daily worship
Luke 17: 20-21 (NRSVA)
20 Once Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, and he answered, ‘The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; 21 nor will they say, “Look, here it is!” or “There it is!” For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.’
The Kingdom is already here! One of the theological tensions of the New Testament (and our lives today) is that the Kingdom is both something we yearn to see realised — and something which is already among us! God’s ongoing project of renewal and restoration for humanity is already weaving us together.
What does it mean for us in our day to day life that the Kingdom is already in our midst?
Our theme this month is called ‘Expected Arrival Times’, because the Kingdom is not just something that ‘arrives’, it’s something that continues to arrive, to be realised.
The Kingdom came
in an anonymous envelope
when no one was looking.
The Kingdom came
as wind rushing through leaves
disturbing the squirrels.
The Kingdom came
when a small voice got up to speak
and a handful heard it.
The Kingdom comes
and the barricades come down
The Kingdom comes
and the tables groan with food
The Kingdom comes
and broken hearts find solace.
The Kingdom is coming
as a light rain at daybreak
as a kind word in pain
as gestures of grace
that undo anxieties and agonies.
The Kingdom is coming.
The Kingdom has come.
The Kingdom came.
Thank you.
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