The gathering

Jeremiah 31: 8
See, I will bring them from the land of the north
and gather them from the ends of the earth.
Among them will be the blind and the lame,
expectant mothers and women in labour;
a great throng will return.
Jeremiah’s visions are full of wonderful imagery. But it is imagery tinged with realism. While the prophet speaks often of the restoration of the people of God, he also grounds them in the need to wake up to the consequences of their faithlessness. Jeremiah reminds them that God’s timing is not our timing. All who long for God to restore creation today will glean from Jeremiah the call to obedience and to faithfulness in all our adversity and in the face of the injustice we encounter in the world today.
God I can just picture that vision you gave to Jeremiah
I can picture the people streaming from all directions
A host of differently abled people, all helping one another as they find their way back to the place they call home, a way back to you.
I can picture the lame being carried, the blind being led, children skipping in and out of the procession.
I can picture women close to giving birth, swelling with the excitement of being able to gift their longed for children a place to call home.
I can picture the joy and anticipation, the anxious hope that here, at last, they can know stability and prosperity, they can plan the future, put down roots.
What a vision, O God, as longed for now as then.
Fulfil your vision O God in all who seek your way today.
By the light of your promise, may we find our way home.
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